December 2024

MCCU County Championship Match v Lincolnshire

Richard Buxton reports: The Warwickshire U1650 team took on Lincolnshire at St Hilda’s Church in Leicester on Saturday 30th November. There were 12 boards in a very competitive match with the lead changing hands throughout the event. Warwickshire taking the first win on board 12 after only 45 minutes.  This changed at 1 hour 15minutes with Lincolnshire breaking even on board 7 and then going into the lead at 2 hours on board 6. The lead then changed hands with both drawn and won games up to the 3 hour point with the score tied at 5 -5 with 2 games left to finish on boards 3 and 4. Peter Stiff on board 3 put up a fine defence in a very difficult end game which eventually ended in a draw. David Cotterell on board 4 was offered a draw by his opponent however Warwickshire needed the win to win the match, so he bravely declined the offer. Eventually however his opponent was able to take advantage of two linked past pawns on the g and h files which became too much to defend against, which gave Lincolnshire the match 6.5 to 5.5. The full match result can be found here. Thanks to everyone who took part in the event and we look forward to our next match against Worcestershire on Saturday 7th December.

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2024 Warwickshire Junior Championship Results

The 2024 Warwickshire Junior Championship was held at Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst in Birmingham. 96 players participated. The tournament features different age groups from the Junior Grand Prix series, and is closed to Warwickshire-eligible children. The full tournament results can be found here: Under 8 | Under 10 | Under 12 | Under 14, 16, 18 The playing area at Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst Karan Kukreja and Keatan PatelUnder 18 Champions Sathya VaidyanathanUnder 16 Champion Preesh GandhiUnder 14 Champion Adithya VaidyanthanUnder 12 Champion Krish GandhiUnder 10 Champion Alex Tricoli and Ollie RackhamUnder 8 Champion The priezgiving included a presentation of the trophies for the 2023/24 Warwickshire Junior Grand Prix, for those who were able to attend. The final standings can be found here. Abhinandan BabuSection winner in the 2023/24 Warwickshire Junior Grand Prix Snithiksha Kuruva, Anvikkashri Prabhakaran, Karan Kukreja and Diah PatelSome section winners in the 2023/24 Warwickshire Junior Grand Prix

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Warwickshire Chess Association